Publication Definitions

Publication Definitions

High Level Review: Paper that has been reviewed by an elite panel of scientists (i.e., IPCC, National Academy of Sciences, American Study for the Advancement of Science)

Scientific White Paper: A paper that is intended to inform people about a new or emerging scientific issue where there isn’t an existing body of literature. These papers are intended to inform and discuss rather than form scientific conclusions. They are often built on ideas that arise from scientific conclusions.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article: An article that has been published in a scientific journal and was selected through a review process that included anonymous scientific review and review by an associate or editor of the journal.

Agency Report with Internal Review:  A report produced by a government agency that has a designated internal review process and upon completion of the review protocol the document has been released.

Agency Report with Internal and External Review: A report produced by a government agency that has a designated internal and external review process and upon completion of the review protocol the document has been released.

Project Report:  Provides technical conclusions. A report produced by a government or a consultant that provides technical conclusions or guidance but has had no or limited scientific review beyond the authors.

Fact Sheet: A summary of information produced by an agency or other authority. Information is often not cited or referenced.

Summary Report:  Summarizes existing scientific literature but does not include new research.

Books and Book Chapters: These are books or chapters in edited volumes. These may or may not be peer-reviewed.