Skagit Watershed Council-SC2 2012 Workshop

SWC Workshop 2012 Presentations

Climate 101
Dr. Alan Hamlet

Basic overview of global climate change, climate drivers (temperature and precipitation) and their impacts overall on Skagit’s glaciers and snow pack, hydrology and dam management, sediment transport, sea level and ecosystems.

Download Presentation PDF

Dr. Alan Hamlet from Skagit Climate Science on Vimeo.


Mainstem Floodplains and Tributaries
Dr. John Riedel and Dr. Ed Connor

Skagit specific information on how climate change and other factors are affecting stream temperatures, likely present and future cold water refuge areas, isolation of off-channel rearing habitats, and sediment transport and deposition.

Download Presentation PDF

Dr. Ed Connor from Skagit Climate Science Consortium on Vimeo.

Dr. John Riedel from Skagit Climate Science Consortium on Vimeo.


Estuary and Nearshore
Dr. John Rybczyk and Dr. Greg Hood

Skagit specific information on sea level rise predictions and impacts on estuarine and nearshore ecosystems, changes in sediment distribution and rate, areas of likely resiliency, areas at high risk, ocean acidification and similarities and differences in Padilla Bay and Skagit Bay responses.

Download Skagit Estuary Presentation PDF | Download Padilla Bay Presentation PDF

Dr. John Rybczyk from Skagit Climate Science on Vimeo.

Dr. Greg Hood from Skagit Climate Science on Vimeo.


Salmon Habitat and Population Responses
Dr. Correigh Greene

Life histories of the Skagit species and populations and key concerns related to climate at specific life stages.  Salmon survival thresholds associated with peak flows/sediment and temperature related to predicted climate change impacts.

Download Presentation PDF

Dr. Correigh Greene from Skagit Climate Science on Vimeo.